OPS is a family owned and operated business that serves the many water related needs of the Napa Valley. Communities, homeowners, vineyard managers, and wineries have relied on Oakville Pump Service to help provide clean water for their specific needs for more than 35 years! Contact our team today if you need help with your water supply!
The OPS water supply team keeps the water supply from your water well (or spring) flowing and ensures your submersible well pump, booster pump and storage tank maintenance and installation needs are met. In addition, our team can help you implement solutions to keep the water flowing during the extended power outages (Public Safety Power Shutoff) that have become the new normal for our regions.
OPS water treatment and filtration specialists design and install water filter systems to remove unwanted contaminates from your water supply. Whether your water is used for drinking, agriculture or commercial needs, we’ll get you connected!
The OPS water management specialists can help you implement technology to help monitor and manage your water system remotely and efficiently. Our team provides tangible results with faster leak detection, reduced water consumption, decreased maintenance costs and a shift from emergency maintenance to planned maintenance programs.
California has increasing requirements for community and public water systems. OPS has certified Distribution and Water Treatment Operators to help your community water system implement maintenance, compliance and reporting to ensure compliance with county & state requirements.